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Expand List item 12810Collapse List item 12810  1986 Flood -- Northeastern OK and Southeastern KS

Water Management Analysis Report - Flood of September - October 1986

From late September through early October 1986, a storm system extending across the central plains of the United States caused flooding of unprecedented proportions in northeastern Oklahoma and southeastern Kansas, an area within the Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This report presents hydrologic and hydraulic data and analysis of the flooding and actions taken by the Tulsa District to control the flood waters.

Water Management Analysis Report - Flood of September - October 1986

Water Management Analysis Report - Flood of September - October 1986 (Appendix B)

Appendix B includes aerial photography of the flooded areas along the Arkansas River in the Sand Springs, Tulsa, Bixby, and Jenks areas in northeastern Oklahoma.

Water Management Analysis Report - Flood of September - October 1986 (Appendix B)

Expand List item 12389Collapse List item 12389  Arcadia Lake
Expand List item 13092Collapse List item 13092  Arkansas River Corridor Study
Expand List item 14753Collapse List item 14753  Blackwell Lake
Expand List item 13093Collapse List item 13093  Candy Lake
Expand List item 3900Collapse List item 3900  Canton Dam Safety
Expand List item 12601Collapse List item 12601  Chloride Control - Arkansas and Red River Basins
Expand List item 3881Collapse List item 3881  Chloride Control - Red River Basin
Expand List item 12602Collapse List item 12602  Chloride Control - Wichita River Basin - FSFES
Expand List item 12600Collapse List item 12600  Chloride Control - Wichita River Basin
Expand List item 3880Collapse List item 3880  Denison Land Conveyance
Expand List item 3883Collapse List item 3883  Eufaula Lake
Expand List item 6179Collapse List item 6179  John Redmond Reservoir
Expand List item 4314Collapse List item 4314  Keystone Lake
Expand List item 13204Collapse List item 13204  Lake Texoma Reallocation Study
Expand List item 11670Collapse List item 11670  Luther Road, Section 14 Emergency Stream Bank Protection Project - Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
Expand List item 4492Collapse List item 4492  Optima Lake
Expand List item 3884Collapse List item 3884  Pine Creek Lake
Expand List item 3617Collapse List item 3617  Policies
Expand List item 3666Collapse List item 3666  Project Update
A semiannual publication prepared for members of congress outlining construction projects, operations and maintenance efforts, and authorized studies in the geographic area of the Tulsa District. Downloadable files are available from our Tulsa District Publications page.
Expand List item 4157Collapse List item 4157  Proposed Lower Bois d'Arc Creek Reservoir
Expand List item 13961Collapse List item 13961  Quarry Island Cove Nutrient Inactivation Project
Expand List item 3684Collapse List item 3684  Red River Chloride Control

Lake Texoma Recreational Fishery Phase III Final Report- December 2012

Area VI Feature Reevaluation Feasibility Scoping Meeting Documentation Red River Chloride Control Project Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma-September 2012

Area VI Red River Chloride Control M&I Report- January 2012

Area VI Red River Chloride Control M&I Report Appendix C- Engineering Analysis- January 2012

Area VI Red River Chloride Control M&I Report Appendix D- NED- January 2012

Area VI Red River Chloride Control M&I Report Appendix D- NED Cable Mountain- January 2012

Area VI Red River Chloride Control M&I Report Appendix D- RED- January 2012

Area VI Red River Chloride Control M&I Report Appendix D- RED Cable Mountain- January 2012

Area VI Evaluation Lake Texoma CASM Update- October 2011

Area VI Evaluation of Chloride Management Alternatives CASM Lake Texoma- May 2010

Review Plan - Red River Chloride Control Project, Elm Fork, Area VI General Reevaluation Report - March 2010 (Comments being accepted until Nov. 30, 2013)

Lake Texoma Recreational Fishery Phase II Final Report - December 2009

Lake Texoma Recreational Fishery Phase I Draft Report- September 2007

Area VI Evaluation of Chloride Management Alternatives CASM Lake Texoma- May 2010

Review Plan - Red River Chloride Control Project, Elm Fork, Area VI General Reevaluation Report - March 2010 (Comments being accepted until Nov. 30, 2013)

Lake Texoma Recreational Fishery Phase II Final Report - December 2009

Lake Texoma Recreational Fishery Phase I Draft Report- September 2007

Expand List item 5567Collapse List item 5567  Red River
Expand List item 14665Collapse List item 14665  Southeast Oklahoma Water Resources Utilization Study Section 905(B) (WRDA 86) Analysis
Expand List item 3662Collapse List item 3662  Tenkiller Lake
Expand List item 3664Collapse List item 3664  Tulsa District History
  • The Dawning, A New Day for the Southwest: A History of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District - 1975
  • Fifty Years Remembered: The First 50 Years of the Tulsa District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - 1989
  • An Era of Change: The Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971-1997 
Expand List item 9239Collapse List item 9239  Tulsa Port of Catoosa
Expand List item 3665Collapse List item 3665  Wister Lake (Poteau River)

FINAL - Environmental Assessment, Wister Lake, Oklahoma, Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Study, LeFlore County, Oklahoma - September 2009

DRAFT - Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement for the Operation sand Maintenance Program at Wister Lake and Poteau River, Oklahoma - June 2002

Expand List item 14666Collapse List item 14666  Zebra Mussel