Pertinent Data

Authorization: Flood Control Act approved December 31, 1970, in accordance with recommendations in House Document 91-299, 91st Congress, 2d Session. Section 192 (Public Law 94-587) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1976 deleted water quality as a project purpose.

Location: On the Deep Fork River at river mile 218.3, in the metropolitan area of Oklahoma City and Edmond, in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, and about 1.5 miles southwest of Arcadia, Oklahoma.

Status: Complete.

Purpose: Flood control, water supply, and recreation.

History of Construction: Construction started on October 15, 1980. The project became operational for flood control in November 1986. The conservation pool filled on May 28, 1987.

Type of Structure: The dam is a rolled earth-filled embankment 5,250 feet long, excluding the spillway, and rises about 102 feet above the streambed. The embankment has a crown width of 32 feet.

Spillway & Outlet Works: The spillway is a 350-foot uncontrolled saddle located in the left abutment. The spillway crest is at elevation 1029.5 which is also the top of the flood control pool and can release 83,500 cubic feet per second (cfs) at maximum pool. The outlet works include a 7- by 10-foot conduit controlled by two 3.5- by 7.5-foot conduit gates, two wet wells with multi-level inlets controlled by two 24-inch low-flow pipes, with two 1.25- by 1.25-foot sluice gates, and an 18-inch water supply line controlled by two 1.25- by 1.75 slide gates.  The outlet works can release 2,205 cfs at max pool.

Hydrologic Data: The flood of record occurred in 2007 with an estimated inflow volume of 40,314 acre-feet, which is equivalent to 7.22 inches of runoff from the drainage area.