From 1998 through 2023, there were 470 water related fatalities in the Tulsa District.

The below statistics are from the Southwestern Division which includes Little Rock, Fort Worth, Galveston and Tulsa District's.
88% of drowning victims were not wearing a personal floatation device(PFD).
88% of drownings were male victims...
Age range of drownings:
0 - 9 years old - 5%
10 - 20 years old - 21%
21 - 30 years old - 23%
31 - 40 years old - 16%
41 - 50 years old - 13%
51 - 60 years old - 10%
61 - 70 years old - 7%
71 years old & over - 4%
Below is a summary for the most occurrences of recreational fatalities for all USACE projects for FY98-FY23.
May through August 10%+ fatalities occur with July accounting for 20%.
Sundays account for 20%+ and Saturdays account for 25%.
The hours of 2 – 6 p.m. 7 – 9% of fatalities occur.
The hours of 4 – 5 p.m. 9.8 – 10% of fatalities occur.