Standard Permit:
An individual, or standard permit, is issued when projects have more than minimal individual or cumulative impacts, are evaluated using additional environmental criteria, and involve a more comprehensive public interest review.
ENG Form 4345 - Department of the Army Permit Application
Pre-construction Notification Application:
Certain NWPs require project proponents to notify Corps district engineers of their proposed activities prior to conducting regulated activities, so that the district engineers can make case-specific determinations of NWP eligibility. The notification takes the form of a pre-construction notification (PCN). The purpose of a PCN is to give the district engineer an opportunity to review a proposed NWP activity (generally 45 days after receipt of a complete PCN) to ensure that the proposed activity qualifies for NWP authorization. A general permit is issued for structures, work or discharges that will result in only minimal adverse effects.
ENG Form 6082 - Nationwide Permit Pre-construction Notification Application