Navigation               Navigation Charts              Locking 

Navigation Notices

  • TD 2024-11.2, Notice of Scheduled Demolition & River Closure HWY 62 Bridge

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSUREHIGHWAY 62 BRIDGE NM 392.5Pool No. 16, NM 392.5 Highway 62 bridge pier demolition scheduled for 5 February 2025 has been rescheduled due to weather delays. River is closed to Navigation Traffic 0900 to 1300, 7 February 2025.The Oklahoma Department of Transportation contractor will be detonating bridge
  • TD 2024-10.2 Notice of Scheduled Demolition & River Closure HWY 62 Bridge

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSURE HIGHWAY 62 BRIDGE NM 392.5 Pool No. 16, NM 392.5 demolition of bridge piers originally scheduled for 31 January 2025 has been rescheduled due to weather delays. River will be closed to navigation traffic from 0900 to 1000, 4 February 2025 for the demolition of bridge piers on the Highway 62 Southern
  • TD 2025-1, Notice of Delays, Chouteau L&D 17

    NOTICE OF POTENTIAL DELAYSCHOUTEAU L&D 17 NM 401.4Mariners can expect delays from 0800 to 1500 on February 3rd and February 4th at Chouteau L&D No. 17 as a team performs a structural inspection of the miter gates.Mariners are advised to stay up to date with the latest information. Waterway users are asked to check with Lock 17 for the latest
  • TD 2024-11.1, Notice of Scheduled Demolition & River Closure HWY 62 Bridge

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSURE HIGHWAY 62 BRIDGE NM 392.5Pool No. 16, NM 392.5 will be closed to navigation traffic from 0900 to 1300, 5 February 2025 for the demolition of bridge piers on the Highway 62 Southern bridge. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation contractor will be detonating bridge piers adjacent to the Navigation
  • TD-2024-10.1 Notice of Scheduled Demolition & River Closure HWY 62 Bridge

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSURE HIGHWAY 62 BRIDGE NM 392.5Pool No. 16, NM 392.5 will be closed to navigation traffic from 0900 to 1000, 31 January 2025 for the demolition of bridge piers on the Highway 62 Southern bridge. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation contractor will be detonating five bridge piers West of the navigation
  • TD 2024-11, Notice of Demolition & River Closure HWY 62 Bridge

    Pool No. 16, NM 392.5 will be closed to navigation traffic from 0900 to 1300, 29 January 2025 for the demolition of bridge piers on the Highway 62 Southern bridge. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation contractor will be detonating bridge piers adjacent to the Navigation channel.  Flagmen shall be stationed in radio equipped boats one-half mile
  • TD 2024-10, Notice of Scheduled Demolition & River Closure HWY 62 Bridge

    Pool No. 16, NM 392.5 will be closed to navigation traffic from 0900 to 1000, 22 January 2025 for the demolition of bridge piers on the Highway 62 Southern bridge. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation contractor will be detonating five bridge piers West of the navigation channel.  Flagmen shall be stationed in radio equipped boats one-half
  • TD 2024-9, Notice of Scheduled Demolition & River Closure HWY 62 Bridge

    Pool No. 16 NM 392.5 will be closed to Navigation traffic from 0800 January 14th to 0800 January 15th, 2025 to allow for demolition and removal of bridge girders from South bridge span at Highway 62 Bridge.The Oklahoma Department of Transportation Contractor will be detonating and dropping the South span into the river. The contractor will have 24
  • TD 2024-8.1, Sailing Instructions Pool 14, NM 333 to 334.5

    Channel is encroaching on the red line between NM 334.0 to 334.5. Mariners are advised to proceed with caution in this area and use the green line as the sailing line until further notice. The U.S. Coast Guard is placing temporary aids to navigation marking the higher spots of encroachment.  Waterway users are asked to check with Lock No. 14 or
  • TD 2024-8, Pool 14, NM 333 to 334 Closed

    River is closed to navigation traffic from NM 333.0 to 334.5 in pool 14 due to reported obstruction. Survey crews will conduct survey in this area on 22 October, 2024. Questions or request for additional information concerning this notice should be directed to Mr. Robert Steiner; Navigation Operations Manager: 918-775- 4475 ext. 5833 or Mr. Rodney

Recreational Lockage Policy

Locking at 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 on the Oklahoma portion of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System is available to recreational boaters 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 

Oklahoma Lock and Dam Phone numbers:

W. D. Mayo L&D 14.............(918) 962-3481
Robert S. Kerr L&D 15.........(918) 775-2091
Webbers Falls L&D 16.........(918) 489-5987
Chouteau L&D 17................(918) 687-4501
Newt Graham L&D 18..........(918) 543-2216

For additional information concerning Navigation issues contact:

Navigation Project Office
HC 61 BOX 238
Phone: (918) 775-4475