NEPA Notices

  • Tulsa-West Tulsa Levee Storm Sewer Construction and Levee Realignment

    In compliance with U.S.C. Title 33, Chapter 9, Subchapter 1, Section 408, the Mr. Joe Westervelt (requester) has requested permission from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for the realignment of a portion of the Tulsa-West Tulsa Levee C and the construction of 3 storm culverts to drain storm water to the Arkansas River at 431 West 23rd Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Section 14 Township 19 North, Range 12 East.
  • 30 Day Comment Period - Fort Supply Wildlife Management Area Shooting Range

    Draft Environmental Assessment for Fort Supply Wildlife Management Area Shooting Range
  • Environmental Assessment for Canton Wildlife Management Area Gun Range

    This Environmental Assessment (EA) is being conducted on behalf of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation pursuant to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). This EA includes an assessment of the environmental effects of the development, expansion, and operation of a shooting range facility located within the Canton Wildlife WMA. The proposed project is located on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) property. USACE is the lead federal agency for the current environmental policy.
  • Tulsa Ports Outfall Easement Draft Environmental Assessment

    Expiration date: 8/23/2024

    The 30 day public comment period for this draft environmental assessment runs from July 24, 2024 to August 23, 2024. Comments must be submitted in writing via email or U.S. Postal Service. Send comments via email to Send written comments via U.S. Mail to: Chris Gilliland Biologist U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District Operations Division 2488 East 81st Street Tulsa, OK 74137
  • Public Notice: Environmental Assessment Oklahoma River Improvements EMBARK Boat Dock and MAPS4 Pedestrian Bridge City of Oklahoma City

    Public Notice Comment Comment Period for Boat Dock Improvements runs from March 6, 2024 to March 16, 2024 Public Notice Comment Period for MAPS4 Pedestrian Bridge runs from March 6, 2024 to March 16, 2024. Public notice documents with directions to make public comment are linked below. This Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluates the effects of the proposed construction of two (2) Oklahoma River improvement projects which will modify the Oklahoma River levee (federally constructed project). These improvement projects, construction of a boat dock and a pedestrian bridge, address the need for accessibility to the river documented in the 1993 Corridor Plan.
  • Keystone Dam Safety Modification Study Public Open House Workshops & 30-day Comment Period

    30 Day comment period for Keystone Dam Safety Modification Study begins March 6, 2024 and runs through April 5, 2024 Public open house workshops will be held March 13 and 14 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the Keystone State Park Community Center 1926 S Highway 151 Sand Springs, OK 74063. This project would raise the height of the Keystone Dam to reduce the risk of overtopping during significant flooding events. This would require the raising of the dam embankments and Highway 151, and the reconstruction of the stilling basin below Keystone Dam.
  • Public Notice Red River Chloride 30 day comment period, public informational meeting

    The Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers established a 30-day public comment period related to closure of the Red River Chloride Control Project in four Texas counties and will host two public meetings to provide an overview of the purpose and scope of the study. The USACE will host informational, open-house style meetings at the Red River Authority of Texas offices in Wichita Falls, Texas, Feb. 26 from 5-8 p.m. and at the Kingston High School cafeteria, Kingston, Oklahoma, Feb. 27 from 5-8 p.m.
  • Public Notice Open House ScopingMeeting and 30-Day Comment Period Optima Lake Disposition Study, Texas County, Oklahoma

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District (USACE), is investigating the potential disposition of Optima Lake, Texas County, Oklahoma. Optima Lake was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1936 and constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers beginning in 1966. The structure stretches approximately 15,000 feet across the North Canadian (Beaver) River. Authorized project features of Optima Lake being investigated include the earthen embankment, spillway, outlet works, and administration and maintenance building situated on approximately 13,247 acres of Government-owned land. Currently, authorized purposes for Optima Lake include flood control, water supply, recreation, and fish and wildlife. The USACE is preparing a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document to disclose the potential adverse and beneficial impacts of disposition of these features, as well as the effects of continuous operation and maintenance of Optima Lake or portions of the project under different project purposes or leases with other Federal agencies and non-Federal entities who may be suited to take over operations and maintenance responsibilities.
  • After-Action Environmental Assessment for the Webbers Falls Pool and Robert S. Kerr Pool Emergency Dredging and Open Water Disposal

    This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Tulsa District (SWT) to evaluate the Webbers Falls Pool and Robert S. Kerr Pool Emergency Dredging and Open Water Disposal. This EA is an assessment of potential impacts that have resulted from the implementation of the Emergency Action Alternative in comparison with the No Action Alternative. It has been prepared in accordance with 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 230 and the 1978 Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations 40 CFR Parts 1500-1508, as amended in 1986 and 2005, as reflected in the USACE Engineering Regulation (ER) 200-2-2. In fulfillment of these and all other legal, regulatory, and policy requirements, this EA describes the purpose and need for the action, the range of alternatives considered, and discloses the environmental impacts of the alternatives.
  • Phillips 66 Pipeline Replacement, Arkansas City Levee, Kaw Lake

    Phillips 66 Pipeline, LLC (P66, Requester) in Cowley County, Kansas, is proposing to replace a segment on its existing pipelines under the Arkansas River and adjacent Arkansas City Levee and within US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)-administered fee lands at the Kaw Lake Project (Figure 1), which is under the Jurisdiction of the USACE. The 10-inch diameter pipelines that carry petroleum products were installed circa 1920s and 1950s.


  • Army Corps of Engineers modifying operations at recreation areas due to Coronavirus

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today that it has begun the orderly shutdown of all USACE-managed campgrounds to protect against the further spread of coronavirus disease 2019. Visitor centers, beaches, special events, and USACE-sponsored events such as shore sweeps, interpretive programs, Kids to Parks Day, Earth Day events, public meetings and other public gatherings at all USACE-managed sites and facilities have also been closed and/or put on hold until further notice.  
  • Tulsa West Tulsa Levee Feasibility Study

    Tulsa West Tulsa Feasibility Study State and Agency Review Documents.
  • Corps to host public information meetings for Lake Texoma shoreline management plan revision at Pottsboro, Kingston high schools

    Tulsa District, USACE will host public meetings for the Lake Texoma Shoreline Management Plan Revision Jan. 29 and Jan. 30. Meetings will be held in Pottsboro, Texas at Pottsboro High School Jan 29, and at Kingston High School in Kingston, Oklahoma, Jan. 30.
  • NEPA NOTICE: City of Edmond Arcadia Lake Water Treatment Plant Expansion

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is soliciting your comments on the project referenced above. The City of Edmond, Oklahoma, in cooperation with USACE, is preparing an Environmental Assessment, in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, to assess impacts of the proposed WTP expansion project. Please provide any written comments you may have to Dr. David Gade, Limnologist, Environmental Branch, Regional Planning and Environmental Center, by mail to the address listed in the release.
  • Army Corps of Engineers waives fees on National Public Lands Day, Sept. 28

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will waive day use fees for boat ramps and swim beaches at recreation areas nationwide. All Tulsa District projects with day use fees and swim beaches are participating provided the projects are open. This waiver does not apply to camping or camping-related services. Concessionaires who lease Corps property are encouraged but not required to participate.
  • Notice of Availability: Draft Feasibility Report with integrated Environmental Assessment for the Tulsa AND West-Tulsa Levees Feasibility Study, Tulsa County, Oklahoma

    Notice that Draft Tulsa West Tulsa Levee Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment will be available on the Tulsa District Website on Sept. 16, 2019. Draft Report is available online at
  • Preston takes command of Tulsa District

    The Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers welcomed a new commander during a change of command ceremony presided over by the Southwestern Division Commander, today.Brigadier Gen. Paul Owen, Southwestern Division Commander, received the USACE flag from the outgoing commander, Col. Chistopher A. Hussin and passed it to Col. Scott Preston during
  • Tulsa District Activates Emergency Operations Center

    Tulsa District activated its emergency operations center on May 9. The EOC is significant because it allows the Corps of Engineers to provide support directly to state emergency operations centers.
  • Corps to Hold Public Workshop for Tulsa West Tulsa Levee Feasibility Study

    Public Workshop for Tulsa West Tulsa Levee System Feasibility Study at Case Community Center in Sand Springs, Oklahoma 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Representatives from Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Tulsa County Levee Drainage District 12 will be present to answer questions. No formal presentation, open house format to allow the public to ask and submit questions at each station.
  • Corps Hosts Public Workshop for Keystone Dam Safety Modification Study

    This is a public workshop for the Keystone Dam Safety Modification Study. The study will look at potential options to protect the dam from overtopping a statistically remote flood event. This public workshop is not formal. People can come and go as they please. The Corps will have representatives available to answer questions.