A Regional General Permit (RGP) is a type of general permit that authorizes categories of activities in a specific geographic area that causes only minimal individual and cumulative environmental impacts. The following RGPs are applicable within the Tulsa District:
General Permit for Oklahoma Department of Transportation Projects - GP17
Work authorized by this GP is limited to discharges of dredge or fill material into waters of the
United States, including adjacent wetlands, for activities required for the construction, expansion, modification, or improvement of bridge replacement projects including reinforced concrete boxes and other drainage structures (e.g., roads, highways, railways) in waters of the United States.
GP17 Water Quality Certifications
Water Quality Certification for GP17 issued July 2024
General Permit for Utility Line Activities in CRWs in Oklahoma – GP12
General Permit for the construction, maintenance, repair, and protection of utility lines in Critical Resource Waters in Oklahoma.
General Permit for Transportation Crossings in CRWs in Oklahoma – GP14
General Permit for the construction of transportation crossings in Critical Resource Waters in Oklahoma.
GP12 and GP14 Water Quality Certification
Water Quality Certification for GP12 and 14 issued September 2019.