2021 Nationwide Permits

The following is a list of the current nationwide permits with applicable conditions. Select any title to view the text of the entire permit. Each permit includes the applicable legal authority (Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899), a description of the authorized activities, pre-construction notification requirements (if any), and other important restrictions and conditions. To use any of these permits, the person responsible for conducting the work must comply with all terms and conditions of the permit, including those pertinent to federally listed threatened and endangered species (general condition 18) and historic properties (general condition 20).

Nationwide permit pre-construction notification form (Please email completed forms, applicable to Tulsa District, to ceswt-ro@usace.army.mil for review.)  NOTE:  This form is used for Nationwide Permits.  Internet Explorer is recommended for viewing.  If you receive an error message regarding your PDF viewer, right click the "Application Form" link and select "Save Link As" to download the application. You may need to select "Enable All Features" to view the form in Adobe Acrobat.  

Link to All Nationwide Permits, Conditions, Headquarters Decision Documents, Further Information, and Definitions.


Nationwide Permit Program


NWP 1 – Aids to Navigation

NWP 2 – Structures in Artificial Canals

NWP 3 – Maintenance

NWP 4 – Fish and Wildlife Harvesting, Enhancement, and Attraction Devices and Activities

NWP 5 – Scientific Measurement Devices

NWP 6 – Survey Activities

NWP 7 – Outfall Structures and Associated Intake Structures

NWP 8 – Oil and Gas Structures on the Outer Continental Shelf

NWP 9 – Structures in Fleeting and Anchorage Areas

NWP 10 – Mooring Buoys

NWP 11 – Temporary Recreational Structures

NWP 12 – Oil or Natural Gas Pipeline Activities

NWP 13 – Bank Stabilization

NWP 14 – Linear Transportation Projects

NWP 15 – U.S. Coast Guard Approved Bridges

NWP 16 – Return Water From Upland Contained Disposal Areas

NWP 17 – Hydropower Projects

NWP 18 – Minor Discharges

NWP 19 – Minor Dredging

NWP 20 – Response Operations for Oil and Hazardous Substances

NWP 21 – Surface Coal Mining Activities

NWP 22 – Removal of Vessels

NWP 23 – Approved Categorical Exclusions

NWP 24 – Indian Tribe or State Administered Section 404 Program

NWP 25 – Structural Discharges

NWP 27 – Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Establishment, and Enhancement Activities

NWP 28 – Modifications of Existing Marinas

NWP 29 – Residential Developments

NWP 30 – Moist Soil Management for Wildlife

NWP 31 – Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Facilities

NWP 32 – Completed Enforcement Actions

NWP 33 – Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering

NWP 34 – Cranberry Production Activities

NWP 35 – Maintenance Dredging of Existing Basins

NWP 36 – Boat Ramps

NWP 37 – Emergency Watershed Protection and Rehabilitation

NWP 38 – Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste

NWP 39 – Commercial and Institutional Developments

NWP 40 – Agricultural Activities

NWP 41 – Reshaping Existing Drainage and Irrigation Ditches

NWP 42 – Recreational Facilities

NWP 43 – Stormwater Management Facilities

NWP 44 – Mining Activities

NWP 45 – Repair of Uplands Damaged by Discrete Events

NWP 46 – Discharges in Ditches

NWP 48 – Commercial Shellfish Mariculture Activities

NWP 49 – Coal Remining Activities

NWP 50 – Underground Coal Mining Activities

NWP 51 – Land-Based Renewable Energy Generation Facilities

NWP 52 - Water-Based Renewable Energy Generation Pilot Projects

NWP 53 - Removal of Low-Head Dams

NWP 54 - Living Shorelines

NWP-55 - Seaweed Mariculture Activities
NWP 56 - Finfish Mariculture Activities
NWP 57 - Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities
NWP 58 - Utility Line Activities for Water and other Substances
NWP 59 - Water Reclamation and Reuse Facilities

Water Quality Certifications

Where the certifying authority (state, authorized tribe, or EPA, as appropriate) has not previously certified compliance of an NWP with Clean Water Act (CWA) section 401, a CWA section 401 water quality certification for the proposed discharge must be obtained or waived (see 33 CFR 330.4(c)).  If the permittee cannot comply with all of the conditions of a water quality certification previously issued by certifying authority for the issuance of the NWP, then the permittee must obtain a water quality certification or waiver for the proposed discharge in order for the activity to be authorized by a NWP (see general condition 25).

Oklahoma WQC
Texas WQC
Kansas WQC
Indian Country WQC Oklahoma (EPA)
Indian Country WQC Texas (EPA) 
Pawnee Nation WQC


Regional Conditions

There are no regional conditions for the use of the 2021 Nationwide Permits in the State of Oklahoma or in the Tulsa District’s portion of the State of Texas.

Kansas Regional Conditions for use of the 2021 Nationwide Permits within Tulsa District

Special Oklahoma Waters Excluded from certain NWP's

Critical Resource Waters

Another factor that influences the manner in which the NWP program is administered in various Corps Districts is the presence of designated Critical Resource Waters (CRW) within the district. NWP General Condition (GC) 22 identifies particular categories of waters as CRWs and states that the District Engineer may designate additional waters as CRWs as appropriate. Under GC 22, some of the NWPs are prohibited from use in CRWs while other NWPs require mandatory notification to the Corps in these waters. The Tulsa District has designated specific waters in Oklahoma possessing high aquatic resource quality and value as CRWs. CRWs, in Oklahoma, are Outstanding Resource Waters (ORWs) and their watersheds, and High Quality Waters (HQWs) designated by the State of Oklahoma in Appendix A of the Water Quality Standards (OAC 785, Chapter 45). The ORWs include all waters in the supporting watersheds, HQWs do not. Both ORWs and HQWs include adjacent wetlands. The CRWs are available in the following link.

Critical Resource Waters Maps

Sensitive Public and Private Water supplies (SWS)

OK Water Quality Standards Appendix B Waters