TULSA -- Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representatives will be available to provide information and receive input regarding an initiative to revise the Lake Texoma Shoreline Management Plan during public information meetings at Pottsboro High School, in Pottsboro, Texas, Jan. 29 at 6 p.m., and Kingston High School in Kingston, Oklahoma, Jan. 30 at 6 p.m.
Pottsboro High School is located at 901 Highway 120, Pottsboro, TX 75076.
Kingston High School is located at 400 NE 3rd Street, Kingston, OK 73439.
The public meetings will consist of open house-style formats allowing for individual one-on-one discussions with USACE representatives. During the session, the public may view maps, ask questions and provide comments about the revision.
During the meeting representatives from the Lake Texoma Project Office and USACE will provide comment forms with instructions. Comment forms will be available for download shortly before the meeting on the Tulsa District website at https://www.swt.usace.army.mil/Locations/Tulsa-District-Lakes/Oklahoma/Lake-Texoma/.
Shoreline management plans address the rules and guidelines governing private shoreline uses, such as private boat docks, vegetation modification and similar private uses of government property. The shoreline management plan also establishes shoreline allocations, which specify where certain private uses are allowable. Shoreline allocations are dictated by Engineering Regulation 1130-2-406 and include: Limited development areas; protected shoreline areas; public recreation areas and prohibited access areas. Each of these allocation is defined in ER 1130-2-406. The shoreline management plan compliments the Lake Texoma Master Plan.
The current shoreline management plan for Lake Texoma was last updated in 1996. Revisions are needed to address changes in land use and policies since the current shoreline management plan was published. Key topics to be addressed in the revision include revising shoreline allocations and updating the plan to incorporate changes in public law and national policies related to shoreline management. The objective of the revision and related management actions is to achieve a balance between permitted private uses and resource protection for general public use. Public participation is crucial to the successful revision of the current Lake Texoma shoreline management plan.
Questions pertaining to the proposed revision can be addressed to: Joe L. Custer; Manager, Lake Texoma, 351 Corps Road, Denison, TX 75020-6425, Phone: 903-465-4990 or by email at Joe.Custer@usace.army.mil.