Public Notices

Open House Workshop planned for Tenkiller Lake

Published April 8, 2014

TULSA, Okla. — The Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host an open house workshop from 6:00-8:00 p.m., April 17, 2014 related to the review and revision of the project master plan (MP) for Tenkiller Lake, Cherokee and Sequoyah Counties, Okla. The open house will be held at the Gore Gymnasium, 214 East 4th Street, Gore, Okla., 74435.

This will be an informal come-and-go open house with no formal presentation. Interested persons can stop by the open house to visit the information tables and discuss the project with Corps personnel.

Attendees will be provided forms for providing input and comments about the revision of the lake master plan. Comments are also welcome in any form throughout the MP revision process.

The Tulsa District is initiating a review and revision of the MP for Tenkiller Lake. The MP is the strategic land management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all project recreational, natural, and cultural resources throughout the life of a Corps project. It is a tool for efficient and cost-effective management, development, and use of project lands.

The MP does not address issues associated with private boat docks or permits for shoreline vegetation modification. These issues are specifically addressed in the shoreline management plan (SMP) for a lake project. The SMP for Tenkiller Lake will be reviewed and potentially revised at a later date. Private dock and shoreline vegetation modification permits will be addressed at that time, and not in the current MP review process.

Comments and questions regarding the open house workshop or MP review process can be directed to:

Tish Livesay

Tenkiller Lake Manager

Route1, Box 259

Gore, OK 74435



Sara Goodeyon

Release no. 14-008


Open House Workshop planned for Tenkiller Lake

Published April 8, 2014

TULSA, Okla. — The Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host an open house workshop from 6:00-8:00 p.m., April 17, 2014 related to the review and revision of the project master plan (MP) for Tenkiller Lake, Cherokee and Sequoyah Counties, Okla. The open house will be held at the Gore Gymnasium, 214 East 4th Street, Gore, Okla., 74435.

This will be an informal come-and-go open house with no formal presentation. Interested persons can stop by the open house to visit the information tables and discuss the project with Corps personnel.

Attendees will be provided forms for providing input and comments about the revision of the lake master plan. Comments are also welcome in any form throughout the MP revision process.

The Tulsa District is initiating a review and revision of the MP for Tenkiller Lake. The MP is the strategic land management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all project recreational, natural, and cultural resources throughout the life of a Corps project. It is a tool for efficient and cost-effective management, development, and use of project lands.

The MP does not address issues associated with private boat docks or permits for shoreline vegetation modification. These issues are specifically addressed in the shoreline management plan (SMP) for a lake project. The SMP for Tenkiller Lake will be reviewed and potentially revised at a later date. Private dock and shoreline vegetation modification permits will be addressed at that time, and not in the current MP review process.

Comments and questions regarding the open house workshop or MP review process can be directed to:

Tish Livesay

Tenkiller Lake Manager

Route1, Box 259

Gore, OK 74435



Sara Goodeyon

Release no. 14-008