The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Planning and Environmental Center and the Tulsa District, in coordination with the Waurika Lake Master Conservancy District (WLMCD), have assessed the environmental impacts associated with the proposed maintenance dredging of the WLMCD water intake channel in Waurika Lake, Cotton, Stephens, and Jefferson Counties, Oklahoma. Proposed activities include pumping and storage of dredge material to a confined disposal facility on WLMCD property, replacement of lower gates on the WLMCD intake structure, and installation of an intake pipe extension and floating intake. These proposed alterations/modifications are operation and maintenance responsibilities of the non-Federal sponsor, the WLMCD, and will be implemented at no cost to the federal government.
The WLMCD maintains a water intake structure and associated channel within the normal conservation pool of Waurika Reservoir. Over the course of its life, these structures have become clogged with sediment. The WLMCD proposes to dredge this material, deposit it outside of the reservoir on WLMCD property, and refurbish and enhance the water intake facility. The proposed maintenance dredging and associated activities will not affect normal operation of the reservoir. Permission to temporarily occupy and alter portions of the Waurika Lake Project has been granted by the Tulsa District in order to accomplish this goal.
An environmental assessment was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, including guidelines in 33 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230, Policy and Procedures for Implementing NEPA. It was determined this action is not a major federal action which would significantly affect the quality of the human environment, and an environmental impact statement will not be prepared.
A copy of the signed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for this action has been posted on the Tulsa District website at at the NEPA Notices icon midway down the page. Questions can be directed to Dr. David Gade at 918-669-7579.
Release no. 15