Public Notices

Tag: flood risk management
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Tag: flood risk management
  • All Corps of Engineer parks and boat ramps open at Tenkiller Lake

    TULSA – Despite rumors, all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers parks and boat ramps at Tenkiller Lake are open and available for use and for reservation by calling the Reservation Service at 1-877-444-6777 or visiting Despite rumors, all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers parks and boat ramps at Tenkiller Lake are open and available for use
  • Tenkiller Lake release at 14,200 cubic feet per second

    TULSA — Water Releases from Lake Tenkiller were increased to 14,200 cubic feet per second Thursday. — Water Releases from Lake Tenkiller were increased to 14,200 cubic feet per second Thursday.These releases will bring the downstream channel to maximum capacity. The water is not expected to rise above the channel."We need to release as much water
  • Tenkiller Lake release at 13,000 cubic feet per second

    TULSA — Due to heavy rainfall in the area Tenkiller Lake flood pool is expected to reach near full and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is releasing water from Tenkiller Lake at 13,000 cubic feet per second through the main spillway gates and hydropower. — Due to heavy rainfall in the area Tenkiller Lake flood pool is expected to reach near full
  • Rumor Control: Tenkiller Dam is NOT failing!

    Please help officials with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District, put to rest the false rumor that Tenkiller Dam is about to fail. Tenkiller Lake is functioning just as it was designed to do. It is holding a great deal of water in its flood pool, and it is releasing 13,700 cubic feet per second through its flood gates. That release does