Tulsa District News (From DVIDS)

  1. Army Corps of Engineers waives day use fees at recreation areas in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    TULSA, OK – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers today announced that it will waive day use fees at its more than 2,800 USACE-operated recreation areas nationwide in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 20 including those within the Tulsa District.
  2. Tulsa District awards construction contract for Tinker AFB project

    Tulsa District awarded a contract for pavement as part of the KC46 A maintenance complex at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, Dec. 23.
  3. Tulsa District Hub crew brings expertise and savings to key infrastructure projects

    TULSA, Okla. — The Tulsa District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has found a unique and cost-effective solution for managing critical maintenance and construction projects across the district by forming the in-house hub crew
  4. ODWC Recognizes Tulsa District Biologist for Partnership Efforts

    OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — A Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employee was recognized by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation director for his contribution for promoting partnerships between the federal and state agencies during the ODWC monthly meeting Dec. 2.
  5. Tulsa District issues closure notice for Marina Del Rey on Lake Texoma

    TULSA, Okla. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District, issued a notice of closure to Marina Del Rey on Lake Texoma, Nov. 15.
  6. Keystone Lake Office promotes sustainable recreation practices at family nature walk

    The Keystone Lake Project Office hosted a family nature walk, and sustainable outdoor education event at the Brush Creek Campground nature trail just downstream of Keystone Dam, Nov. 2.
  7. With a little help from our friends: Keystone Lake Office teams with state, municipal, nonprofit organizations for Camp-O-Ween

    The Keystone Lake Project Office hosted a Halloween themed water safety event at Brush Creek Campground, near Keystone Dam, Oct. 25. More than 100 costume clad children accompanied their parents and caregivers to the event, which combined games, treats, and static displays with water, fire, wildlife, and recreational safety education.
  8. Trucks, boats promote Tulsa District missions

    Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employees participated in a Touch-A-Truck event at Hardesty Public Library in Tulsa, Oct. 12.
  9. Canton Lake to provide water for Oklahoma City

    The Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will make controlled releases from Canton Lake, Oct. 22 to Nov. 5 to provide water to Oklahoma City Water Utilities Trust as water supply mission.
  10. Lake Eufaula Project Office provides answers to questions regarding low lake level

    The Lake Eufaula Project Office reminds the public that low lake levels are due to lack of adequate rainfall and runoff to replenish the reservoir and not because of an intentional drawdown. “Lake Eufaula’s year-round, congressionally authorized conservation pool is between elevation 565 and elevation 585,” said Gerald Treadwell, lake manager, Lake Eufaula Project Office, Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “The reason for lake levels have declined is because we haven’t received enough rainfall or runoff to return the lake to elevation 585. We don’t intentionally reduce the pool at Lake Eufaula for the winter season.”
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Public Notice Red River Chloride 30 day comment period, public informational meeting

Tulsa District
Published Feb. 16, 2024

The U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District (USACE) has reinitiated a study to evaluate the disposition of the Red River Chloride Control Project (RRCCP) in Hall, Cottle, King, and Knox Counties, Texas. The RRCCP is a legislated endeavor to reduce naturally occurring chlorides in the Red River Basin to improve water quality for municipal, agricultural, and industrial uses.
The authorized project features being considered for disposition include: two low flow dams for collection of brine-laden waters at Areas VIII, and X, Truscott Lake, and Crowell Mitigation Area; one brine storage lake for holding concentrated brine solutions, the necessary pumps and pipelines to transport brine solutions from the low flow dams to the brine storage lakes, and a 10,000-acre piece of land used for as a fish and wildlife mitigation site known as Crowell Mitigation Area.
A 30-day public comment period will begin February 26, 2024, and end March 27, 2024. The public can submit any input on the study area and the current list of alternatives. The USACE will host two open house style public scoping meetings on February 26, 2024 at the Red River Authority of Texas offices (3000 Hammon Rd, Wichita Falls, Texas 76310) located in Wichita Falls, Texas from 5:00 – 8:00 pm and on February 27, 2024 at the Kingston High School cafeteria (3rd St, Kingston, Oklahoma 73439) located in Kingston, Oklahoma from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. The open house will provide an overview of the RRCCP, purpose and scope of the study, and the alternatives being considered will be available for review. Subject matter experts will be present to answer questions. Information presented at the public meetings will also be available starting February 26, 2024 at the Tulsa District website link below:
Comments must be submitted in writing and can be given to USACE staff at the public meetings, emailed to CESWT-RRCCP-Disposition@usace.army.mil, or mailed to Ms. Bailee Clemmons, Environmental Branch, Regional Planning and Environmental Center, P.O. Box 17300, Room 3A12, Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300. Comments should be postmarked by March 27, 2024.