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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District News

Status Update from the Tulsa District Commander: 2013 Federal Government Shutdown

USACE Tulsa District Commander and District Engineer
Published Oct. 11, 2013
Tulsa District Commander and District Engineer Col. Richard Pratt

Tulsa District Commander and District Engineer Col. Richard Pratt

TULSA, Okla. — The federal government shutdown is now in its second week. The Tulsa District Public Affairs Office receives several notes and phone calls daily highlighting the local impacts associated with the temporary closure of many of our recreational facilities. We fully acknowledge these negative effects and do appreciate your many concerns.

As federal employees impacted by the temporary shutdown, current USACE operations at our civil works projects is limited to public health, safety, and the security of federal property. We will work hard to reopen all parks and recreational facilities (within the regular seasonal availability) as soon as we are funded and authorized to do so.

Unauthorized use of our facilities during this period of reduced staffing may result in unanticipated damages and costs, which may delay the reopening of facilities in the future. We ask that citizens respect locked gates and posted restrictions until further notice.

Some Corps-operated facilities remain open, including several boat ramps. Citizens are welcome to enter the lakes and rivers at several access points. A complete list of operating facilities can be found at:

While federal parks and Corps-operated areas are closed, many parks operated by state or other non-federal agencies remain open.

For information about Oklahoma State Parks check with the Oklahoma Tourism Department at

For information about Kansas State parks check with the Kansas Department of wildlife, Parks and Tourism at

The Tulsa District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers remains committed to serving our citizens with superior recreational opportunities.