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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District News

Author: Kyle Dunlap
  • August

    Employee Spotlight- Joe Custer

    Lake Manager Joe Custer recently returned from a six-month stay in Washington D.C. as part of the Natural Resources Management Career Assignment Program. As part of the employee spotlight for this month, we caught up with Joe to gain some insight into his involvement in the program and his work for the people and communities around Lake Texoma.
  • July

    Artificial nesting platform built for endangered birds

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and an oil company have worked together to construct artificial nesting platforms for the Interior Least Tern, an endangered bird. This will provide them with the habitat that they need without inhibiting the work of the oil company.
  • Retired teacher volunteers to educate children about water safety

    With the spirit of a lifelong educator, retired schoolteacher Pam VanderWeele has shown the reach and impact that U.S. Army Corps of Engineers volunteers can have on communities and people.As a water safety volunteer at Lake Texoma this summer, VanderWeele visited 17 elementary schools surrounding the lake in Texas and Oklahoma, giving presentations to more than 2,000 students in the third through fifth grades.