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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District News

Author: Nate Herring
  • June

    New mechanical systems to help trout fishery below Tenkiller Dam

    The stream below Tenkiller Dam in Okla. is home to a popular trout fishery; however, during the 2011 drought, low dissolved oxygen levels, and high water temperatures resulted in a fish kill of both trout and other types of fish. As a result of a multi-agency effort, a two-part mechanical solution was developed to prevent further fish kills below the dam.
  • March

    Hydropower Training Program graduates recognized

    Col. Michael Teague, Tulsa District commander recognized 17 graduates from the Hydropower Training Program during a recent graduation ceremony held at the Keystone Lake powerhouse.
  • Event allows small businesses to network with Corps staff

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District staff met with representatives from more than 75 businesses from 18 different states during the Meet the Corps Day event held recently at the Tulsa Technology-Lemley Campus in Tulsa.