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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District News

Tag: Tulsa Corps of Engineers
  • October

    Status Update from the Tulsa District Commander: 2013 Federal Government Shutdown

    The federal government shutdown is now in its second week. The Tulsa District Public Affairs Office receives several notes and phone calls daily highlighting the local impacts associated with the temporary closure of many of our recreational facilities. We fully acknowledge these negative effects and do appreciate your many concerns.
  • June

    Low lake levels at Skiatook lake make bluff jumping even more dangerous

    Skiatook Lake is still more than six feet below normal. A huge safety concern exists this summer for lake visitors making the decision to engage in the unlawful activity of bluff jumping. Unaware of the lower lake level, it is feared that many jumpers may simply return to their favorite rock and make what could be a fatal decision to jump. This past weekend, this fear became a reality as a young man lost his life at the lake after bluff jumping.