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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District News

Tag: Tulsa District
  • December

    Tulsa District answers call for help after Sandy destruction

    The Tulsa District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers supported the recovery efforts for Superstorm Sandy by deploying several employees to multiple locations in the United States to assist in the mission.
  • Taking the Wounded Warrior recovery process a step further

    Once a service member is wounded, in battle or the line of duty, they are taken to a military hospital to recover. Those hospitals are built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of its military construction program. Now, in the USACE Southwestern Division, there are plans for that recovery process to evolve from the hospital to a special cottage at a Corps lake to allow invisible wounds to heal.
  • November

    Corps employees recognized for service 'above and beyond’ in wildfire battle

    When wildfires raged in Mannford, Okla. Aug. 3-7, 12 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employees set aside their regular duties to assist hundreds of firefighters in battling the blazes. The 12 employees were recognized for their efforts with the Department of the Army’s Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service.