NEPA Notices

Public meetings announced for Fall River, Toronto Lake master plan

Published Oct. 31, 2016

TULSA - The Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces two public meetings to discuss the review and revision to the master plans and shoreline management plans for Fall River Lake and Toronto Lake, November 15 and November 17.

The first informal public meeting to discuss the master plan and shoreline management plan will take place at the Eureka Public Library, 606 N. Main St in Eureka, KS 67045, Nov. 15 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The second informal public meeting to discuss the master plan and shoreline management plan will take place at the Fredonia Public Library, 807 Jefferson St. in Fredonia, KS 66736, Nov. 17 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

No formal presentation will take place but members of the public are invited to visit information tables and to ask questions and present any comments about the master plans and shoreline management plans to Corps of Engineers staff.

The master plan is the strategic land management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all project recreational, natural, and cultural resources throughout the life of a Corps lake project. It is a vital tool for efficient and cost-effective management, development, and use of project lands. 

The shoreline management plan is the document that helps to ensure the shoreline and adjacent public lands are managed and developed to protect the environment and to achieve balance between permitted private uses and resource protection for general public use of Corps lakes.


Members of the public may submit comments by mail to Christopher Hammerschmidt, 2453 Lake Road, Fall River, KS 67047. Members of the public can also submit comments by e-mailing or by calling 620-658-4445.
Christopher Hammerschmidt
2453 Lake Road, Fall River, KS 67047

Release no. 16-028


Public meetings announced for Fall River, Toronto Lake master plan

Published Oct. 31, 2016

TULSA - The Tulsa District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces two public meetings to discuss the review and revision to the master plans and shoreline management plans for Fall River Lake and Toronto Lake, November 15 and November 17.

The first informal public meeting to discuss the master plan and shoreline management plan will take place at the Eureka Public Library, 606 N. Main St in Eureka, KS 67045, Nov. 15 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The second informal public meeting to discuss the master plan and shoreline management plan will take place at the Fredonia Public Library, 807 Jefferson St. in Fredonia, KS 66736, Nov. 17 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

No formal presentation will take place but members of the public are invited to visit information tables and to ask questions and present any comments about the master plans and shoreline management plans to Corps of Engineers staff.

The master plan is the strategic land management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all project recreational, natural, and cultural resources throughout the life of a Corps lake project. It is a vital tool for efficient and cost-effective management, development, and use of project lands. 

The shoreline management plan is the document that helps to ensure the shoreline and adjacent public lands are managed and developed to protect the environment and to achieve balance between permitted private uses and resource protection for general public use of Corps lakes.


Members of the public may submit comments by mail to Christopher Hammerschmidt, 2453 Lake Road, Fall River, KS 67047. Members of the public can also submit comments by e-mailing or by calling 620-658-4445.
Christopher Hammerschmidt
2453 Lake Road, Fall River, KS 67047

Release no. 16-028