Authorization: Flood Control Act approved October 23, 1962, Project Document HD 563, 87th Congress, 2d Session.
Location: At river mile 0.8 on Birch Creek, about 1.5 miles south of Barnsdall in Osage County, Oklahoma, and about 20 miles southwest of Bartlesville in Washington County, Oklahoma.
Status: Complete.
Purpose: Flood control, water supply, water quality control, recreation, and fish and wildlife.
History of Construction: Construction began in November 1973. The project was completed for full flood control operation in March 1977.
Type of Structure: The rolled earth-filled embankment is 3,193 feet long, rises about 97 feet above the streambed, and has a top width of 32 feet.
Spillway & Outlet Works: The uncontrolled spillway consists of a concrete sill and a short apron located in a saddle adjacent to the left abutment. The spillway has a bottom width of 135 feet and a design capacity of 37,200 cubic feet per second (cfs) at the maximum pool. The flood control outlet works consist of a 7.5- by 10.33-foot oblong conduit operated by two 3.75- by 8.5-foot slide gates with an invert elevation at 711.0. The intake structure has a wet well with three inlets at invert elevations 727.5, 735.0, and 743.0. The wet well provides flow to a 12-inch water supply pipe and a 12-inch low-flow pipe. The water supply pipe is embedded in concrete below the conduit. The low-flow pipe empties into the conduit.
Hydrologic Data: The maximum flood volume was in May 1943 with 32,930 acre-feet. May 2019 had an estimated peak inflow of 28,900 cfs and a volume of 28,900 acre-feet, which is equivalent to 8.21 inches of runoff from the upstream drainage area.