Authorization: Authorized as a part of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System in the River and Harbor Act approved July 24, 1946; Project Document HD 758, 79th Congress, 2d Session.
Location: On the Verdigris River at McClellan-Kerr navigation mile 421.6, about 8 miles southwest of Inola in Wagoner County, Oklahoma.
Status: Complete.
Purpose: Navigation, recreation, and fish and wildlife.
History of Construction: Construction began in October 1967. Closure occurred on September 9, 1970, and the project was placed into useful operation. The lock and dam became operational for navigation on December 26, 1970.
Type of Structure: The 1,630-foot embankment is a combined earth-filled and concrete-gravity dam. The spillway is a gated, concrete ogee weir with a crest elevation of 506.0. Total width of the spillway is 220 feet with a net flow width of 180 feet. There are three 60- by 27-foot-high tainter gates with 10-foot-wide concrete piers. The right bank overflow section is 596 feet at crest elevation 533.5, and the left bank overflow section is 813 feet at crest elevation 542.0. A 5-foot-wide service bridge is constructed on the piers for personnel access to the gates.
Lock: The lock is a 110- by 600-foot chamber of the single-lift type with miter gates. The lock has a 21-foot normal lift.