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Navigation Notices

  • TD 2023-3, Pool 16 Demolition Closure

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSUREHIGHWAY 62 BRIDGE NM 392.5Pool No. 16 NM 392.5 will be closed to Navigation traffic from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. March 9th, 2023, to allow for demolition and removal of bridge girders from eastbound Highway 62 Bridge.The Oklahoma Department of Transportation Contractor will be detonating and dropping the
  • TD 2023-2, Notice of Potential Delays, W.D. Mayo L&D 14 NM 319.6

    Mariners may expect a delay from 0700 to 1700 beginning 20 February 2023 at WD Mayo L&D 14 as a salvage crew removes a damaged cell adjacent to the upstream lock approach channel. Due to the nature of the work, the crew does not have a completion date and this Navigation Notice will remain in effect until further notice.Mariners are advised to stay

    Expiration date: 9/18/2023

    Webbers Falls Lock & Dam 16 will close September 11, 2023 and remain closed through September 17, 2023. Navigation traffic should plan accordingly.
  • TD 2022-20, Pool 16, Notice of Demolition HWY 62 Bridge

    NOTICE OF DEMOLITION ACTIVITIESPOOL No. 16 NM 392.5 Mariners are advised to proceed with caution when navigating NM 392.5 due to the demolition of the Highway 62 bridge beginning January 3rd, 2023. Possible overhead falling hazards will exist as the ODOT contractor removes bridge components. Vessel traffic is advised to check navigation conditions
  • TD 2022-19, W.D. Mayo L&D, Notice of Closure

    NOTICE OF CLOSURE DUE TO DIVING OPERATIONSWD MAYO L&D No. 14 NM 319.6Mariners can expect a 12-hour closure from Tuesday, December 20th at WD Mayo L&D 14 due to diving operations. Closure will be from 0700 to 1900 while inspection is in progress. Navigation traffic is asked to plan accordingly around this closure.Waterway users are asked to check
  • TD 2022-18, WD Mayo Damaged Protection Cell

    NOTICE TO NAVIGATIONWD MAYO L&D No. 14 NM 319.6Waterway users are asked to proceed with caution when transitioning on the upstream side of WD Mayo L&D 14 until further notice. The most upstream protection cell is severely damaged and now barely visible above the water line.Questions or request for additional information concerning this notice
  • TD 2022-16, R.S. Kerr L&D 15, Notice of Potential Delays

    NOTICE OF POTENTIAL DELAYSRS KERR L&D 15 NM 336.3Mariners can expect a delay from 0800 to 1400 on 7 Nov 2022 at RS Kerr L&D No. 15 as a team performs a structural inspection of the miter gates.Mariners are advised to stay up to date with the latest information. Waterway users are asked to check with Lock 15 for the latest information and should
  • TD 2022-15, Webbers Falls Pool 16, Sailing Instructions

    SAILING INSTRUCTIONSWEBBERS FALLS POOL No. 16 NM 400 to NM 400.5Webbers Falls Pool No. 16 has some shoaling along the left descending bank between NM 400.1 to 400.5.  Mariners should favor the green line when transiting this area.This Navigation Notice will be updated as more information becomes available. Questions or request for additional
  • TD 2022-14.2, Pool 18, Demolition Closure

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSUREHIGHWAY 412 BRIDGE NM 431.6 The Verdigris River, Pool No. 18, NM 431.6 will be closed to Navigation traffic from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. October 14, 2022, to allow the demolition and removal of bridge girders from Highway 412 Bridge.The Oklahoma Department of Transportation Contractor will be detonating
  • TD 2022-14.1, Pool 18, Demolition Closure

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSUREHIGHWAY 412 BRIDGE NM 431.6 The Verdigris River, Pool No. 18, NM 431.6 will be closed to Navigation traffic from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. October 13, 2022, to allow the demolition and removal of bridge girders form Highway 412 Bridge.The Oklahoma Department of Transportation Contractor will be detonating

Recreational Lockage Policy

Locking at 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 on the Oklahoma portion of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System is available to recreational boaters 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 

Oklahoma Lock and Dam Phone numbers:

W. D. Mayo L&D 14.............(918) 962-3481
Robert S. Kerr L&D 15.........(918) 775-2091
Webbers Falls L&D 16.........(918) 489-5987
Chouteau L&D 17................(918) 687-4501
Newt Graham L&D 18..........(918) 543-2216

For additional information concerning Navigation issues contact:

Navigation Project Office
HC 61 BOX 238
Phone: (918) 775-4475