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Navigation Notices

  • TD 2022-14.2, Pool 18, Demolition Closure

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSUREHIGHWAY 412 BRIDGE NM 431.6 The Verdigris River, Pool No. 18, NM 431.6 will be closed to Navigation traffic from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. October 14, 2022, to allow the demolition and removal of bridge girders from Highway 412 Bridge.The Oklahoma Department of Transportation Contractor will be detonating
  • TD 2022-14.1, Pool 18, Demolition Closure

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSUREHIGHWAY 412 BRIDGE NM 431.6 The Verdigris River, Pool No. 18, NM 431.6 will be closed to Navigation traffic from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. October 13, 2022, to allow the demolition and removal of bridge girders form Highway 412 Bridge.The Oklahoma Department of Transportation Contractor will be detonating
  • TD 2022-14, Pool 18, Demolition Closure

    NOTICE OF SCHEDULED DEMOLITION & RIVER CLOSUREHIGHWAY 412 BRIDGE NM 431.6The Verdigris River, Pool No. 18, NM 431.6 will be closed to Navigation traffic from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. October 10, 2022, to allow the demolition and removal of bridge girders from Highway 412 Bridge.The Oklahoma Department of Transportation Contractor will be detonating
  • TD 2022-13, RS Kerr Pool No. 15, Sailing Instructions

    R.S. Kerr Pool No. 15 has shoaling between NM 346.6 to 347.1 & NM 347.6 to 348.0. Instructions are as follows until further notice: NM 346.6 to 347.1 – Run the centerline NM 347.6 to 348.0 – Favor green line This Navigation Notice will be updated as more information becomes available. Questions or request for additional information concerning this notice should be directed to Mr. Robert Steiner; Navigation Operation Manager: 918-775-4475 ext 5833 or Mr. Jake Simpson; Navigation Field Engineer: 918-430-4783. //signed// Jeff Knack Acting Chief, Operations Division
  • TD 2022-12, Pool No. 14, NM 335.7, Sailing Instructions

    Navigation lights are extinguished at Highway 59 bridge NM 335.7. Mariners are asked to proceed with caution in low light conditions while transiting this area until the power can be restored. Questions or request for additional information concerning this notice should be directed to Mr. Robert Steiner Navigation Operation Manager: 918-775-4475 ext 5833 or Mr. Jacob Simpson; Navigation Field Engineer: 918-430-4783. //signed// Jeff Knack Acting Chief, Operations Division
  • TD 2022-11.1, WD Mayo L&D, Notice of Daily Closures

    Reference Navigation Notice: 19406-1. Mariners can expect daily closures from June 1st thru June 4th at WD Mayo L&D 14 due to diving operations. Daily shut down will be eight hours between the hours of 0800 and 1600 while inspections are in progress. Navigation traffic is asked to plan accordingly around these daily closures.
  • TD 2022-11, W. D. Mayo L&D, Notice of Daily Closures

    NOTICE OF DAILY CLOSURES DURING DIVING ACTIVITIES WD MAYO L&D No. 14, NM 319.6Reference Navigation Notice: 19406-1. Mariners can expect daily closures from May 24th thru June 4th at WD Mayo L&D 14 due to diving operations. Daily shut down will be eight hours between the hours of 0800 and 1600 while inspections are in progress. Diving operations
  • TD 2022-10, Robert S. Kerr L&D, Notice of Daily Closures

    NOTICE OF DAILY CLOSURES DURING DIVING ACTIVITIESRS KERR L&D No. 15, NM 336.3 Reference Navigation Notice : 19406-1. Mariners can expect a 4 hour closure May 20th from 1200 to 1600 and daily closures from May 21st thru the end of day on May 25th at RS Kerr L&D 15 due to diving operations. Daily shut down will be eight hours between the hours of
  • TD 2022-9, Webbers Falls L&D, Daily Closures

    NOTICE OF DAILY LOCK CLOSURESWEBBERS FALLS L&D No. 16, NM 368.9Mariners can expect daily closures from May 18th thru May 23rd at Webbers Falls L&D 16. Daily shut down will be eight hours between the hours of 0800 and 1600 while the inspections are in progress. Dive work will be performed weekdays and Saturday, May 21st. No dive operations will be
  • TD 2022-7.1, Chouteau L&D, Daily Closures Amendment

    NOTICE OF DAILY CLOSURES DURING DIVING ACTIVITIESCHOUTEAU L&D No. 17, NM 401.4Reference Navigation Notice : 19406-1. Mariners can expect daily closures from May 17th thru May 20th at Chouteau L&D 17 due to diving operations. Daily shut down will be eight hours between the hours of 0800 and 1600 while inspections are in progress. Navigation traffic

Recreational Lockage Policy

Locking at 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 on the Oklahoma portion of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System is available to recreational boaters 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. 

Oklahoma Lock and Dam Phone numbers:

W. D. Mayo L&D 14.............(918) 962-3481
Robert S. Kerr L&D 15.........(918) 775-2091
Webbers Falls L&D 16.........(918) 489-5987
Chouteau L&D 17................(918) 687-4501
Newt Graham L&D 18..........(918) 543-2216

For additional information concerning Navigation issues contact:

Navigation Project Office
HC 61 BOX 238
Phone: (918) 775-4475