Location: At river mile 3.6 on Bluff Creek, a tributary of the North Fork of the Wichita River, approximately 3 miles northwest of Truscott, Texas.
Status: Complete.
History of Construction: The first construction contract on Truscott Brine Dam was awarded on September 27, 1979. The embankment was completed in December 1982.
Type of Structure: The dam is an earth-filled embankment 15,500 feet long and rises to a maximum height of 107 feet above the streambed. Truscott Brine Lake will contain brine flows from collection facilities at Areas VIII and X.
Spillway: The spillway is an excavated, uncontrolled, saddle type, 1,000 feet long. Discharges of 13,200 cubic feet per second for the Standard Project Flood and 35,400 cubic feet per second for the Probable Maximum Flood could be passed by the spillway.
Lake Data: Pumping from Bateman (Area VIII), Ross (Area VIII - Stage II), and Lowrance (Area X) stations.